We help develop the necessary language skills for players in the global labour market

With us, you feel welcome and not like you’re just a number in a line. We are always on hand to provide personal service by someone who is keen to help you.

What our participants say

”Undervisningen var relevant og velorganiseret. Rachel, der underviste, var god til at tage udgangspunkt i, hvad jeg havde mest behov for, og derefter arbejde struktureret fremad fra mit startpunkt til mere kunnen. Undervisningen blev interessant, fordi vi også arbejdede med at tale om dagligdags emner, arbejdsforhold, aktuelle samfundsaktiviteter og nyheder. Jeg har kun ros til Rachel, og mange tak for jeres altid super fine service, når jeg har ringet ind til jer.”

Getting started is this easy

You call or write to us

We have a conversation to see how we can match your needs – free of charge and with no obligation

We send a non-binding offer

“You might think it’s difficult to make your international employees better at Danish or your Danish employees better at international negotiations. It’s not. With 25 years of experience in business-related language development, we are ready to help you from a-z in establishing effective and meaningful, high-quality language courses. ”